Faith Comes By Hearing ئاپەکان

The Bible Society of Ghana 3.4.2
Faith Comes By Hearing
Read and Listen to the Bible inAkan:Akuapem,Akan: Asante, Akan: Fante, Dagbani, Dangme, Ewe, Ga,Sehwi.Findout what God is doing with this Bible Society!For more information about The Bible Society ofGhana,pleasevisit: The Bible Society of Ghana App was created withtheSubsplashApp Platform.Copyright:App: © 2017 Subsplash, Content: © 2017 Hosanna KIDZ 1.0
Faith Comes By Hearing
Finally a word for word Scripture App forchildren While listening to the Bible, your child can play games toearn their Armor of God, as they increase their knowledge ofScripture. Play “Find the Crosses” or build a puzzle to achieve thehelmet of salvation, the shield of faith, or the belt of truth.Earn the breastplate of righteousness with other games such asColor Pages and Memory Verses. Your child can also record their ownvoice to share a story, memory verse or a color page through email.Imagine your child staying in touch with family and friends as theyshare the Word of God! Using beautifully illustrated stories, yourchild will enjoy learning the Bible! In addition to the storiesyour can use the KIDZ Radio Network during your familydevotional time. LISTEN to the Bible, and SEE the Bible as neverbefore. LISTEN. SEE. GROW. This app contains the followingillustrated stories, with more to be added soon. Birth of JesusJesus is Baptized A Feast for 5000 Jesus Heals Blind Man JesusEnters Jerusalem Crucifixion An Empty Tomb Powered by the ministryof Faith Comes By Hearing in partnership with Child EvangelismFellowship.
Pioneer Bible Translators 3.12.2
Faith Comes By Hearing
Welcome to the official Pioneer Bible Translators Application! Nowyou can read, listen, and share God's Word in English, Pular, Susu,and Yalunka. Carry the Bible App from Pioneer Bible Translatorswherever you go. For Information about the Pioneer BibleTranslators please visit their website:
The Bible Society in Sudan 3.4.2
Faith Comes By Hearing
Free Bible App from the Bible Society inSudan.Now you can read, listen, and share God's Word in Dinka Padang,English, Nuer, and Shilluk.Carry the Bible App from the Bible Society in Sudan wherever yougo.WiFi Internet is required.App: © 2017 Subsplash, Content: © 2017 The Bible Society inSudan. All rights reserved.
Officers' Christian Fellowship 3.4.2
Faith Comes By Hearing
Welcome to the official Officers' ChristianFellowship application for the Android.Be united with Christian Officers for biblical fellowship andoutreach. Find fellowship groups and read latest articles fromCommand Magazine.For more information about Officers' Christian Fellowship,please visit: Officers' Christian Fellowship App was created with theSubsplash App Platform.Copyright:App: © 2017 Subsplash, Content: © 2017 Officers' ChristianFellowship
الكتاب المقدس.آي إس كيدز 1.0
Faith Comes By Hearing
أأخيراً تطبيق كلمة من أجل كلمة الكتاب المقدسللأطفالأثناء الاستماع إلى الكتاب المقدس، يمكن لطفلك اللعب لكي يفوز بدرعله من الله، لأنها تزيد من معرفته بالكتاب المقدس. ألعب "أبحث عنالصُلبان" أوجَمّع وحل لغزاً محيراً لكي تحصل على خوذة الخلاص، وترسالإيمان، أو طَوْق الحقيقة. أحرز الصدرة من الصواب مع ألعاب أخرى مثللوّن الصفحات وتذّكر الآيات. يمكن لطفلك أيضاً تسجيل صوته للمشاركةقصة، الآية الذاكرة أو صفحة ملونة من خلال البريد الإلكتروني. تخيل أنطفلك يظل على اتصال مع العائلة والأصدقاء لأنه يشارك في نشر كلمةالله!باستخدام القصص المُوضحة بشكل جميل، سوف يستمتع طفلك بتعلم الكتابالمقدس! بالإضافة إلى القصص يمكنك استخدام شبكة راديو بايبل.إز. كيدزخلال وقتك التَعَبُّدِيّ مع العائلة. اِسْتَمَعَ إلى الكتاب المقدس،وأفهم الكتاب المقدس كما لم تفعل من قبل.اِسْتَمَعَ. أفهم. تَطَوّريتضمن هذا التطبيقُ القصصَ المُوضحةَ، مع المزيدِ من القصصِ التي سوفتُضاف قريباً.ميلادُ يسوعِلقد عُمِّدَ يسوعُوليمة من أجل خمسة آلاف شخصيُبرِئُ يسوعُ الأكمه والأعمىيدخل يسوعُ مدينةُ أورشليمالصّلبقبرٌ فارغٌمدعومٌ من قِبل هيئةُ الإيمانِ يأتي عن طريق الاستماعِ وبشراكة معزمالة تَبْشِيرٌ الطفل.
Potter's Field Ministries 3.1.0
Faith Comes By Hearing
Check out all kinds of content that interestsyou. After you’ve downloaded and enjoyed the content, you can shareit with your friends via Twitter, Facebook, or email.For more information about Potter's Field Ministries, pleasevisit: © 2014 Subsplash, Content: © 2014 Potter's FieldMinistries. All rights reserved.
Sociedad Bíblica Chilena 3.12.2
Faith Comes By Hearing
Una App Biblia gratuita de la Sociedad Bíblica Chilena. Ahora, sepuede leer, escuchar, y compartir la Palabra de Dios en Mapudunguny Romane Vlax. Lleve la App Biblia de la Sociedad Bíblica Chilena adonde quiera y vaya. For more information about Sociedad BiblicaChilena, please visit: The SociedadBiblica Chilena App was created by Subsplash.
Sociedad Bíblica de Honduras 3.4.0
Faith Comes By Hearing
Ahora usted puede leer, escuchar y ver laPalabra de Dios en español, garífuna y mosquitoPara obtener más información acerca de la Sociedad Bíblica deHonduras, por favor visite la página web existe en Puedes compartirlo con tus amigos a travésde Twitter, Facebook o correo electrónico.La Sociedad Bíblica de Honduras aplicación fue desarrollada conla plataforma App Subsplash.App: © 2017 Subsplash, Content: © 2017 Sociedad Biblica deHonduras. All rights reserved.
Bible Society of Singapore 3.4.2
Faith Comes By Hearing
Free Bible App from the Bible Society ofSingapore.Now you can read, listen, and share God's Word in ChineseCantonese, Chinese Mandarin, and English.Carry the Bible App from the Bible Society of Singapore.For Information about the Bible Society of Singapore pleasevisit their website: Internet is required.App: © 2017 Subsplash, Content: © 2017 Bible Society ofSingapore. All rights reserved.
Alliance Biblique Burkina Faso 3.4.2
Faith Comes By Hearing
Avec la nouvelle application gratuite de laBible par l'Alliance Bibliqueau Burkina Faso, vous pouvezmaintenant lire, écouter et partager la Parole de Dieu en BoboMadare, Dagara Nord, Jula, Moore et San. Portez l'application de laBible de l'Alliance Biblique du Burkina Faso où que vou allez:For more information about Alliance Biblique du Burkina Faso,please visit: Alliance Biblique du Burkina Faso App was created bySubsplash.
Société Biblique Malagasy 3.4.2
Faith Comes By Hearing
Free Bible App from the Malagasy Bible Society(Société Biblique Malagasy).Now you can read, listen, and share God's Word in English andMalagasy.Carry the Bible App from the Malagasy Bible Society (SociétéBiblique Malagasy) wherever you go.For information please visit their website: Internet is required.App: © 2017 Subsplash, Content: © 2017 Bible Society ofMalagasy. All rights reserved.
Suriname Bible Society 3.12.2
Faith Comes By Hearing
Free Bible App from the Suriname Bible Society. Now you can read,listen, and share God's Word in Akawaio, Aukaans, Carib, English,Javanese, Caribbean, Patamona, Saramaccan, Sarami hindi, SrananTongo, and Wayana. Carry the Bible App from the Suriname BibleSociety wherever you go. For Information about the Suriname BibleSociety please visit their website: WiFi Internet is required.
Bible Française Société 3.4.2
Faith Comes By Hearing
For more information about the French BibleSociety, please visit: Société Biblique Française App was created with The ChurchApp by Subsplash.App: © 2017 Subsplash, Content: © 2017 Société BibliqueFrançaise. All rights reserved.
Unti México 3.12.2
Faith Comes By Hearing
Somos una organización sin fines de lucro, formada por nativohablantes mexicanos, los cuales nos dedicamos al desarrollo,promoción y preservación de nuestras lenguas a través de proyectosde traducción, alfabetización, lecto-escritura, y elaboración demateriales de gramática. Nuestro proyecto más importante es latraducción de La Biblia. La Unión Nacional de Traductores Indígenas(UNTI) está formada por traductores nativo hablantes del sur,centro y norte del país por lo que entre nosotros se encuentranrepresentadas un gran número de variantes de lenguas indígenas deMéxico. Echa un vistazo a todos los tipos de contenido que leinteresa. Después de que hayas descargado y disfrutado elcontenido, puedes compartirlo con tus amigos a través de Twitter,Facebook o correo electrónico. La vida de los pueblos indígenastransformada por las Sagradas Escrituras en su propio idioma Paraobtener más información acerca de UNTI de México, por favor visite: The UNTI de México App was created withthe Subsplash App Platform. -------------------------------------Welcome to Mexico unti official application for Android. We are anonprofit organization formed by native Mexican speakers, which arededicated to the development, promotion and preservation of ourlanguages via translation projects, literacy, literacy, andmaterials processing grammar. Our most important project is thetranslation of the Bible. The National Union of IndigenousTranslators (UNTI) is formed by native-speaking translators south,center and north of the country so we are represented among a largenumber of variants of indigenous languages of Mexico. Check out allkinds of content that interests you. After you've downloaded andenjoyed the content, you can share it with your friends viaTwitter, Facebook or email. The life of indigenous peoplestransformed by the Holy Scriptures in their own language. For moreinformation about unti Mexico, please visit:
The Bible Society in Taiwan 3.4.2
Faith Comes By Hearing
Free Bible App from The Bible Society inTaiwan.Now you can read, listen, and share God's Word in ChineseMandarin, English, Hakka, and Taiwanese (Min Nan).Carry the Bible App from The Bible Society in Taiwan wherever yougo.For Information about the Bible Society in Taiwan please visittheir website: Internet is required.
Societatea Biblica Interconfesionala din Romania 3.12.2
Faith Comes By Hearing
Check out toate mare lucru face Dumnezeu. Citi și asculta la Bibliaîn România și limba engleză. După ce ați descărcat și sa bucurat deconținut, vă puteți împărtăși cu prietenii prin intermediulTwitter, Facebook, sau e-mail.   Internet WiFi este necesarpentru iPod touch.   Pentru mai multe informații despreSocietății Biblice Interconfesionale din România, vă rugăm săvizitați: to the official Interconfessional Bible Society in Romaniaapplication for the Android. Find out whats God is doing inRomania. After you’ve downloaded and enjoyed the content, you canshare it with your friends via Twitter, Facebook, or email. Formore information about the Interconfessional Bible Society inRomania, please visit: TheInterconfessional Bible Society in Romania app was developed withthe Subsplash App Platform.
Theovision International 6.3.1
Faith Comes By Hearing
Welcome to the official Theovision International app!
Sociedad Biblica de Guatemala 3.4.2
Faith Comes By Hearing
This is the official app for the SociedadBiblica de Guatemala.The Sociedad Biblica de Guatemala App was created bySubsplash.
Biblia Net 3.12.2
Faith Comes By Hearing
¡ Bienvenido a la aplicación oficial de la red de la Biblia!Escuchar el programa de 40 días de la Biblia del Español de AméricaPara más información sobre la red de la Biblia por favor visite: The Biblia Net App was created with theSubsplash App Platform.
Haggai Institute 3.12.2
Faith Comes By Hearing
Check what Dr. John Edmund Haggai, Founder and CEO of HaggaiInstitute is doing around the world. Training leaders globally toimpact their world locally. Carefully selecting proven credentialedleaders from Asia, Africa, Latin America, and the Middle East andtrain them to impact their world for Christ. Our training program –unique, powerful, and found nowhere else – gives existing leadersfrom developing nations the inspiration, the focus, and the sheercan-do to impact whatever world they influence, be it nation, city,neighborhood, company, non-governmental organization, or church.After you’ve downloaded and enjoyed the content, you can share itwith your friends via Twitter, Facebook, or email. For moreinformation about Haggai Institute, please visit: The Haggai Institute App wascreated with the Subsplash App Platform.
D. James Kennedy Ministries 3.12.2
Faith Comes By Hearing
Welcome to the official D. James Kennedy Ministries App. Watch andlisten to D. James Kennedy sermons, Truth That Transform TVprograms, and Truth in Action Radio. Read Daily devotional, viewonline store. Share everything via Facebook, Twitter, or email. Formore information about D. James Kennedy Ministries, please visit: The D. James Kennedy Ministries Appwas created with the Subsplash App Platform.
Evangelism Explosion 3.12.2
Faith Comes By Hearing
Welcome to the official Evangelism Explosion app! Find out what Godis doing all around the world. Watch and listen to D. James KennedyMinistries sermons. Listen to Share Life Today with John SorensenCheck out all kinds of interesting content and share it withfriends via Facebook, Twitter, or email. For more information aboutEvangelism Explosion, please visit: The Evangelism Explosion App wascreated with the Subsplash App Platform.
Pamir Productions 3.12.2
Faith Comes By Hearing
Welcome to the official Pamir Production App! Pamir Productions isa media-ministry focused on Afghanistan. We produce materials forAfghans everywhere, disciple Afghan believers, and train andmotivate them to disciple other Afghans. Read, Listen, and See thebible in Dari, English, plus 1000+ languages. Check out all kindsof interesting content and share it with friends via Facebook,Twitter, or email. For more information about Pamir Productions,please visit: The Pamir Productions app wasdeveloped with the Subsplash App Platform.
God Speaking: Rise Up! 3.12.2
Faith Comes By Hearing
Welcome to the official God Speaking APP! Anne Graham Lotz andFaith Comes By Hearing ® invite you to listen to God’s Wordtogether with hundreds of thousands of believers around the globefor 10 historic days. Sign up to Listen, for more information aboutGod speaking, please visit:
Hope for the Heart Resources 3.12.2
Faith Comes By Hearing
Welcome to the Hope for Heart Resources app! Read, Listen and Seethe Bible in over 900 languages. Listen and watch June Hunt’sMinistry. Hope for the Heart broadcasts, Hope in the Night radio,Biblical Counseling Institute Teaching videos, and much more. Checkout all kinds of interesting content and share it with friends viaFacebook, Twitter, or email. For more information about Hope forthe Heart, please visit: The Hopefor the Heart Resources App was created with the Subsplash AppPlatform.
The Bible Society in Cambodia 3.12.2
Faith Comes By Hearing
Free Bible App from the Bible Society in Cambodia. Now you canread, listen, and share God's Word in English and Khmer Central.Carry the Bible App from the Bible Society in Cambodia wherever yougo. For information about the Bible Society in Cambodia pleasevisit their website: WiFi Internet isrequired.
Faith Comes by Hearing 3.4.2
Faith Comes By Hearing
A free Bible App from Faith Comes by Hearing.Now you can read, listen and share God's Word. Carry the Bible Appfrom Faith Comes by Hearing wherever you go.The Faith Comes by Hearing App was created by Subsplash.
Bible Society of Tanzania 3.12.2
Faith Comes By Hearing
Free Bible App from the Bible Society of Tanzania. Now you canread, listen, and share God's Word in Chigogo, Datooga, English,Kihehe, Kiiraqw, Kikagulu, Kimashami, Kimochi, Kinyakyusa,Kinyaturu, Kinyiramba, Kisukuma, Kivunjo, and Ruhaya. Carry theBible App from the Bible Society of Tanzania wherever you go. ForInformation about the Bible Society of Tanzania please visit theirwebsite: WiFi Internet isrequired.
Bible Society of Myanmar 3.12.2
Faith Comes By Hearing
Free Bible App from the Bible Society of Myanmar. Now you can read,listen, and share God's Word in Burmese, Chin Cho, Chin Falam, ChinHaka, Chin Matu, Chin Tiddim, and English. Carry the Bible App fromthe Bible Society of Myanmar wherever you go. For Information aboutthe Bible Society of Myanmar please visit their website: WiFi Internet is required.
International Sharif Bible Society 3.12.2
Faith Comes By Hearing
Free Bible App from the International Sharif Bible Society. Now youcan read, listen, and share God's Word in Arabic Sharif Version,Arabic Sharif (Iraqi) Version, and Arabic Sharif (Sundanese)Version. Carry the Bible App from the International Sharif BibleSociety wherever you go. WiFi Internet is required.
Bible Society Papua New Guinea 3.12.2
Faith Comes By Hearing
A free Bible App from The Bible Society of Papua New Guinea. Nowyou can read, listen and share God's Word in Ipili, Kyaka,Misima-Panaeyati, Naasioi and Tok Pisin. Carry the Bible App fromThe Bible Society of Papua New Guinea wherever you go.
Maria+Vision 5.0.3
Faith Comes By Hearing
Bienvenido a la aplicación oficial de María Visión para el , touch,. Descubra cómo D está usando María Visión para ayudar a difundirla palabra de D. Después de haber descargado y disfrutado elcontenido, puedes compartirlo con tus amigos a través de Twitter,Facebook o correo electrónico. Se requiere a internet WiFi para eltouch. Para obtener más información acerca de María Visión, porfavor visite: The María Visión App wascreated with the Subsplash App Platform.
JAshow - John Ankerberg Show 5.17.1
Faith Comes By Hearing
Welcome to the official John Ankerberg Show application. Check outall kinds of content that interests you. After you’ve downloadedand enjoyed the content, you can share it with your friends viaTwitter, Facebook, or email. For more information about The JohnAnkerberg Show, please visit: The The JohnAnkerberg Show app was developed with the Subsplash App Platform.
Bible Society of Malaysia 3.12.2
Faith Comes By Hearing
Free Bible App from the Bible Society of Malaysia. Now you canread, listen, and share God's Word in Chinese Cantonese, ChineseMandarin, English, Iban, and Malay Bahasa. Carry the Bible App fromthe Bible Society of Malaysia wherever you go. For Informationabout the Bible Society of Malaysia please visit their website: WiFi Internet is required. App: © 2017Subsplash, Content: © 2017 Bible Society of Malaysia. All rightsreserved.
Bible Society South Pacific 3.12.2
Faith Comes By Hearing
Free Bible App from the Bible Society of the South Pacific. Now youcan read, listen, and share God's Word in Bislama, English,Fiji-Hindi, Fijian, Kiribati, Owa, Pijin, and Samoan. Carry theBible App from the Bible Society of the South Pacific wherever yougo. For Information about the Bible Society of the South Pacificplease visit their website: WiFi Internet isrequired.
Sociedad Bíblica de Bolivia 3.12.2
Faith Comes By Hearing
Una App Biblia gratuita de la Sociedad Bíblica Boliviana. Ahora, sepuede leer, escuchar, y compartir la Palabra de Dios en Chipaya,Chiquitano, Guarani Bolivian, Guarayu, Ignaciano, Quechua del Surde Bolivia y Quechua del Norte de Bolivia. Lleve la App Biblia dela Sociedad Bíblica Boliviana a donde quiera y vaya. The SociedadBiblica Bolivana App was created by Subsplash.
DIOPA Bible in a Year 3.12.2
Faith Comes By Hearing
Welcome to the official Episcopal Diocese of Pennsylvania app! Readand listen to the Bible in a year. Get access to the Bible in over1000 Languages. Find out what God is doing here. For moreinformation about The Episcopal Diocese of Pennsylvania, pleasevisit: The DIOPA Bible in a Year App wascreated with the Subsplash App Platform.
Sociedad Bíblica Paraguaya 3.12.2
Faith Comes By Hearing
Bienvenido a la Sociedad de la Biblia oficial de Paraguayaplicación! Leer, üsen, y ver la Biblia en Inglés, español, Enxet,y el guaraní. Para obtener más información acerca de la SociedadBíblica del Paraguay, por favor visite: LaSociedad Bíblica de Paraguay aplicación fue desarrollada con la AppPlataforma Subsplash. The Sociedad Bíblica Paraguaya App wascreated with the Subsplash App Platform.
Sociedad Bíblica de México 3.12.2
Faith Comes By Hearing
Bienvenido a la aplicación de la Sociedad Bíblica de México!Descubre cómo de Dios es el uso de la Sociedad Bíblica de Méxicopara difundir la Palabra de Dios. Echa un vistazo a todo tipo decontenido interesante y compartirlo con amigos a través deFacebook, Twitter o correo electrónico. Leer, escuchar y compartirla Biblia en español, chinanteco Ojitlán, Chol Tumbalá, mazatecoIxcatlán, Mixe Quetzaltepec, y purépecha. Para obtener másinformación acerca de la Sociedad Bíblica de México visite: Esta aplicación fue desarrollada con la AppPlataforma Subsplash. The Sociedad Bíblica de México App wascreated with the Subsplash App Platform.
Sociedad Bíblica de Ecuador 3.12.2
Faith Comes By Hearing
Bienvenido a las Sociedades Bíblicas Unidas en Ecuador App !!Averigüe lo que Dios está haciendo en Ecuador. Leer, escuchar ycompartir la Palabra de Dios en español e Inglés. Echa un vistazo atodo tipo de contenido interesante y compartirlo con amigos através de Facebook, Twitter o correo electrónico. Para obtener másinformación acerca de las Sociedades Bíblicas Unidas en Ecuador,visite: Esta aplicación fue desarrollada conla App Plataforma Subsplash. The Sociedades Bíblicas Unidas enEcuador App was created with the Subsplash App Platform.
IBT Moscow 3.12.2
Faith Comes By Hearing
Free Bible App from the official Institute for Bible Translation.Now you can read, listen, and share God's Word in Altai Southern,Avar, Balkar, Buryat, Chechan, English, Gagauzi, Kalmyk-Oirat,Karakalpak, Lomi-Zyrian, Kumyk, Mari-Meadow, Mordvin-Erzya, Nenets,Ossetic, Tabassaran, Tatar, Tuvin, and Uzbez Northern. Carry theBible App from the Institute for Bible Translation wherever you go.For Information about the Institute for Bible Translation pleasevisit their website: WiFi Internet isrequired.
Crosstalk International 3.12.2
Faith Comes By Hearing
Check out what Gods is doing at Crosstalk. Learn about founderRandy Weiss. After you’ve downloaded and enjoyed the content, youcan share it with your friends via Twitter, Facebook, or email. Formore information about Crosstalk International, please visit: The Crosstalk International app wasdeveloped with the Subsplash App Platform.
Bible Society of West Indies 3.12.2
Faith Comes By Hearing
Find out what God is doing in this part of the world! After you’vedownloaded and enjoyed the content, you can share it with yourfriends via Twitter, Facebook, or email. For more information aboutBible Society of the West Indies, please visit: The Hosanna App was created with theSubsplash App Platform.
Bible Society in Sierra Leone 3.12.2
Faith Comes By Hearing
Welcome to the official Bible Society in Sierra Leone(AllianceBiblique du Sierra). Now you can read, listen, and shareGod's Wordin English, Kono, Krio, Kuranko, Limba West, Mende, andThemne.Carry the Bible App from the Bible Society in SierraLeone(Alliance Biblique du Sierra) wherever you go. WiFi Internetisrequired.
Cooperative Baptist Fellowship 3.12.2
Faith Comes By Hearing
Welcome to the official Cooperative Baptist Fellowshipapplicationfor the Android. The CBF app allows you to connect withtheFellowship, engage in dynamic mission and ministry, equipyourselfand your congregation, network with others and give tosupportlife-changing work around the world. Share our content viaTwitter,Facebook and email. For more information about CooperativeBaptistFellowship please visit: http://www.thefellowship.infoTheCooperative Baptist Fellowship app was developed with theSubsplashApp Platform.
Bible Society in Gambia 3.12.2
Faith Comes By Hearing
Free Bible App from the official Bible Society in Gambia. Nowyoucan read, listen, and share God's Word in English, Jola-Fogny,andMandinka. Carry the Bible App from the Bible Society inGambiawherever you go. WiFi Internet is required.
Bible - Audio & Video Bibles 3.12.1
Faith Comes By Hearing
Access the Bible in your language
Philippine Bible Society 3.12.2
Faith Comes By Hearing
Free Bible App from the Philippine Bible Society. Now you canread,listen, and share God's Word in Bicolano Central, Cebuano,English,Hiligaynon, Iloknao, Kinaray-a, Matigsalung, Pampangan,Pangasinan,Paranan, Samareno, and Tagalog. Carry the Bible App fromthePhilippine Bible Society wherever you go. For Information aboutthePhilippine Bible Society please visit theirwebsite: WiFi Internet is required.
Lembaga Alkitab Indonesia 3.12.2
Faith Comes By Hearing
Free Bible App from the Indonesian Bible Society (Lembaga AlkitabIndonesia). Now you can read, listen, and share God's Word in Aceh,Bahasa Pakpak Dairi, Balantak, Balinese, Bambam, Batak Karo, BatakSimalungun, Bugis, Duri, English, Galela, Gorontalo, Indonesian,Javanese Indonesian, Kali Da'a, Lampung, Madurese, Makassar,Mentawai, Minangkabau, Mongondow, Napu, Ngaju, Nias, Rote, Sangir,Sasak, Sundanese, Tabaru, Tobelo, Toraja, and Yali Angguruk. Carrythe Bible App from the Indonesian Bible Society (Lembaga AlkitabIndonesia) wherever you go. For Information about the IndonesianBible Society (Lembaga Alkitab Indonesia) please visit theirwebsite: WiFi Internet is required.